Kidderminster Baptist Church

Sunday Services - 11 a.m. - Franche Road, Kidderminster

UP COMING EVENTS at Kidderminster Baptist Church

Kidderminster Baptist Church 

welcomes Catherine Borlase as our new Family Ministry Lead.   Catherine has been running our TotsTime toddler groups for many years and has loads of experience working with families.  If she can help in anyway, please get in

What we are about.

We all just want to feel like we belong, don’t we?

Perhaps we want to explore what it is that we believe. Life doesn’t come with an instruction book, but we want to learn to become all that we were created to be.

Put simply, that’s what we’re about; that’s what our church community is seeking to do, and perhaps something that you are looking for too. 

How to Connect.

Here's some information you may want to know before you arrive.  If you have any questions about our Sunday services, please ask

Find out what's beyond Sunday's and how best to connect with us.  There are many ways to do so in a warm friendly environment.

Small Groups

We have small groups that meet a couple of times a month for bible study. in 2025 these are  W/C 24/2, 10/3, 24/3, 7/4, 28/4, 12/5, 26/5, 9/6, 23/6, 14/7, 28/7, 11/8, 25/8, 15/9, 29/9, 13/10, 27/10, 10/11, 24/11, 15/10 Do get in touch to find out more.

Sign up to receive mail

Why not drop us a note, tell us about yourself, how we can help and join our mailing or ask for a copy of our community magazine.

More about Kidderminster Baptist Church

Kidderminster Baptist Church 

.... A safe place to Belong, Believe & Become.

We believe we are called to be a safe place to grow in Jesus, to be a blessing to our communities and seek to be all we were created to be.

Belong: We believe that every person is unique and special to God. We want to be a church that is welcoming to all and big on relationships. 

Become: We believe that Jesus came so that we can have life and life to the max and so we long to see all become who they were created to be. We long to bless our communities and bring about transformation within them.

Believe: We believe the good news of Jesus is for everyone. We want to be a safe place for people to encounter Jesus for the first time and to grow as followers of Jesus, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Meet the Team

Rev Jason Borlase


Catherine Borlase

Family Ministry Lead

Adrian Whybrew

Church Secretary

Trish Fox


Terri Wheeler

Jerry Walton

Susan Wolstenholme

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