About us.

Our Vision

We are, heart and soul, committed to Jesus in all we do.  We believe we are called to be a safe place to Belong, to Believe and to Become those shaped and inspired by the life and teaching Jesus. And we long to be a church that blesses our communities, that seeks to be light in a dark world and to be bringers of Joy, Hope and Peace in Jesus.

  • Belong: We believe that ever person is unique and special to God.  We want to be a church that is welcoming to all and big on relationships.  
  • Believe: We believe the good news of Jesus is for everyone.  We want to be a safe place for people to encounter Jesus for the first time and to grow as followers of Jesus.
  • Become: We believe that Jesus came so that we can have life and life to the max and so we long to see everyone become who they were created to be.  

Our Core Values

These are our ‘Values’ or ‘guiding principles’ that are at the heart of our church community. They help us direct everything we are and do.  

  1. Christ-centred - a life focused on, committed to and motivated by Jesus Christ as Lord of all.  
  2. Spirit Empowered - to be Holy Spirit led in our daily lives, seeking the Spirit’s power, to live like Jesus, to see the fruit of the Spirit grow in us and to exercise the Spirits gifts.
  3. Bible Based - that we be committed to reading the Bible as the Word of God and apply it to the realities of daily life, in culturally relevant ways.
  4. Prayerful Dependence - that we seek close fellowship with God through prayer and believe that prayer is powerful for the breaking down of barriers.
  5. Disciple making Disciples - to see all connected with Kidderminster Baptist Church being passionate followers of Jesus; being all that they were created to be.
  6. Worshipping Lifestyle - that worship is expressed in the way we live and in our praise. That we would seek the manifest presence of God when we gather together.
  7. Loving Fellowship - Relating closely inside – we long to see everyone feel like they belong, are loved and cared for and accepted.
  8. Compassionate Outreach - Reaching widely outside – as grace-filled people, to bless and release the message and the power of God’s love into the world around.
  9. Servant-hearted Generosity - serving God and His people with radical devotion, transforming our own hearts and the hearts of others through generosity of spirit in the same way that God gives to us.
  10. Courageous Faith - that we step out in faith with the boldness of knowing that God is with us.

Our Beliefs

  • Why we are Baptist? - Baptist churches are found in almost every country in the world. As part of the world-wide Christian church. For Baptists the concept of a family is important. The church is not so much a particular place or building, but rather a family of believers, committed to Christ, to one another and to the service of God in the world.
  • Baptism - Believer’s baptism signifies the end of our old life and of being born again to new life in Christ. Normally taking place by full immersion in water, it speaks of repentance and cleansing, of being united with Christ in his death and resurrection, and of witnessing to the call of God upon our lives. Baptism is about receiving God's Spirit for service in the church and in the world.
  • Church Membership - Baptist believe that we are called together as a community, to live out our call and witness, knowing Jesus and telling others about Him and collectively 'discerning the mind of Christ' together' - listening and allowing Jesus to lead us.  We all have a part to play in this and the way we express this is through church membership.

What We Believe.

  • The Bible - We believe the Bible, is the powerfully inspired & infallible Word of God to us and is our final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. It contains the wisdom of God for living the life we’ve been created to live.
  • The Trinity - We believe that the Godhead exists together in three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these three are one God.
  • The Father - We believe in a loving heavenly Father who has always been about relationship with His creation, coming himself in Jesus to restore broken relationships and broken lives.
  • Jesus (the Son) - We believe Jesus Christ is God. We believe in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His sacrifice for our sins with death on the cross and in His bodily resurrection. We believe in His ascension to the Father, in His heavenly presence praying for us and His second coming.
  • The Holy Spirit - We believe in God the Holy Spirit who comes from the Father and the Son, that those who believe in Jesus are also promised power through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We believe we are empowered for fuller participation in the ministry of the Church, its worship, evangelism and service though the Holy Spirit.
  • Salvation - We believe in the necessity for salvation of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by which we are pardoned and accepted as righteous in God’s sight. This justification is given to us by the grace of God because of the atoning work of Christ and is received by faith alone and is evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit and living a holy life. 
  • Church- We believe in that there is one church, expressed in different way. That we are the priesthood of believers in Christ, ministering to His world, involved in the ministry of reconcilation and bringing Glory to His name.
  • Ministry - We believe in the ministries that Christ has set in His Church, namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in His people.
  • Baptism - We believe that baptism for those who believe is an important moment on the journey of faith, when we make our personal commitment of faith in Jesus as Lord. The old way of living dies and we are born again to new life in Christ.
  • Commission - We believe that the Gospel (the good news of Jesus) is for all and that we are commissioned to share this gospel to the world and to enable God's creation to live lives to the full as He intended.
  • Coming King - We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of Jesus back to earth one day soon.
  • Communion - We believe in the remembrance of Christ’s death by the observance of the Lord’s Supper, Communion, the Eucharist until His return.

Our History

The Baptist Community in this part of Worcestershire started in 1649. Bewdley Baptist Church was founded by a Church of England minister and grow quickly drawing people for a wide area. As time went on it became more desirable that a meeting should also take place in Kidderminster and in 1808 a new church was planted meeting in homes.

Silver Street

In 1811 a site on the corner of Union Street and Silver Street was given to the church and opened in 1813 with Thoma Griffin being the first minister earning £20 a year.

Church Street

The Church continued to grow and outgrow the premise in Silver Street. The Church relocated to Church Street in 1868 and continued to grow, continuing to use Silver Street, planting out into Stourport and opening Milton Hall in 1890. 

Franche Road

Due to the condition of the building at Church street, a decision was taken to move out of town to Franche Road, which was opened on 8th May 1971 and extended in 1982.

Meet the team.

Rev Jason Borlase


Catherine Borlase

Family Ministry Lead

Adrian Whybrew

Church Secretary

Trish Fox


Terri Wheeler

Jerry Walton

Susan Wolstenholme

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